quetzal.app.api package


quetzal.app.api.auth module

quetzal.app.api.auth.check_apikey(key, required_scopes=None)
quetzal.app.api.auth.check_basic(username, password, required_scopes=None)
quetzal.app.api.auth.get_token(*, user)
quetzal.app.api.auth.logout(*, user)

quetzal.app.api.exceptions module

exception quetzal.app.api.exceptions.APIException(status=400, title=None, detail=None, type=None, instance=None, headers=None, ext=None)

Bases: connexion.exceptions.ProblemException

Exception for API-related problems

Use this class when a route function fails but the API should respond with an appropriate error response

exception quetzal.app.api.exceptions.Conflict

Bases: quetzal.app.api.exceptions.QuetzalException

exception quetzal.app.api.exceptions.EmptyCommit

Bases: quetzal.app.api.exceptions.QuetzalException

exception quetzal.app.api.exceptions.InvalidTransitionException

Bases: quetzal.app.api.exceptions.QuetzalException

exception quetzal.app.api.exceptions.ObjectNotFoundException(status=400, title=None, detail=None, type=None, instance=None, headers=None, ext=None)

Bases: quetzal.app.api.exceptions.APIException

Exception for cases when an object does not exist

Typically, when a workspace or file does not exist

exception quetzal.app.api.exceptions.QuetzalException

Bases: Exception

Represents an internal error in the data API

Use for exceptions that don’t need to be transmitted back as a response

exception quetzal.app.api.exceptions.WorkerException

Bases: quetzal.app.api.exceptions.QuetzalException

quetzal.app.api.router module

Router controller to let Connexion link OAS operation ids to custom functions.

On a OpenAPI specification, operationIds can be as specific as: app.api.data.workspace.create. However, other clients may use this long name, which generates functions with long names. Moreover, the real use-case of operationId is to provide a unique identifier to each operation.

To simplify the client code, we use Connexion’s vendor-specific tag x-openapi-router-controller to provide a class to associate operations to Python functions. Following Connexion’s implementation, the resolved name is controller.operationId where controller is the value of the x-openapi-router-controller tag.

This Python function provides the functions and associations to use the x-openapi-router-controller tag and simplify the specification code.

class quetzal.app.api.router.AuthRouter

Bases: object

Router for authentication operations.

Use as:

operationId: auth.func
x-openapi-router-controller: app.api.router

Where func is a member of this class.

class quetzal.app.api.router.PublicRouter

Bases: object

Router for operations on public resources.

Use as:

operationId: public.func
x-openapi-router-controller: app.api.router

Where func is a member of this class.


Get the contents or metadata of a file that has been committed


Get all the files that have been committed.

query_create(*, user, token_info=None)
query_details(*, user, token_info=None)
query_fetch(*, token_info=None)
class quetzal.app.api.router.WorkspaceFilesRouter

Bases: object

Router for operations on files inside a workspace.

Use as:

operationId: workspace_file.func
x-openapi-router-controller: app.api.router

Where func is a member of this class.

create(*, content=None, user, token_info=None)

Create a file on a workspace

This function is the implementation of the upload file endpoint in the Quetzal API. After verifying the workspace and user permissions, it will save the contents of the file in the configured file backend. Finally, it initializes the base metadata family entries for the new file.

  • wid (int) – Workspace identifier where the file will be uploaded.
  • content (file-like) – Contents of the file.
  • user (quetzal.app.models.User) – User that owns the file. This parameter is set by connexion.
  • token_info – Authentication token. This parameter is set by connexion.

  • details (dict) – File details object.
  • code (int) – HTTP response code.

API endpoints

delete(*, uuid, user, token_info=None)
details(*, uuid)

Get contents or metadata of a file on a workspace


Get all the files on a workspace

set_metadata(*, uuid, body)
update_metadata(*, uuid, body)
class quetzal.app.api.router.WorkspaceQueryRouter

Bases: object

Router for operations on queries inside a workspace.

Use as:

operationId: workspace_query.func
x-openapi-router-controller: app.api.router

Where func is a member of this class.

create(*, body, user, token_info=None)
details(*, qid, user, token_info=None)
fetch(*, user, token_info=None)
class quetzal.app.api.router.WorkspaceRouter

Bases: object

Router for workspace operations.

Use as:

operationId: workspace.func
x-openapi-router-controller: app.api.router

Where func is a member of this class.


Request commit of all metadata and files of a workspace

Parameters:wid (int) – Workspace identifier
  • dict – Workspace details
  • int – HTTP response code
create(*, user, token_info=None)

Create a new workspace

  • dict – Workspace details
  • int – HTTP response code
delete(*, wid)

Request deletion of a workspace by id

Parameters:wid (int) – Workspace identifier
  • dict – Workspace details
  • int – HTTP response code

Get workspace details by id

Parameters:wid (int) – Workspace identifier
  • dict – Workspace details
  • int – HTTP response code

List workspaces

  • list – List of Workspace details as a dictionaries
  • int – HTTP response code

Request an update of the views of a workspace

Parameters:wid (int) – Workspace identifier
  • dict – Workspace details
  • int – HTTP response code

alias of quetzal.app.api.router.AuthRouter


alias of quetzal.app.api.router.PublicRouter


alias of quetzal.app.api.router.WorkspaceRouter


alias of quetzal.app.api.router.WorkspaceFilesRouter


alias of quetzal.app.api.router.WorkspaceQueryRouter